CGTN漫评丨美国国会“中国周”大型反华秀 A...

  • CGTN
  • 2024-09-13 17:30:04
【CGTN漫评丨美国国会“中国周”大型反华秀 A nation divided, but united over China】近日,美国国会众议院就一系列有关中国的法案进行密集表决,这一周被媒体称为“中国周”。当下,美国两党政治对立愈演愈烈,“反华”却成了他们鲜有能够达成一致并能推出法案的领域。这对美国民众来说究竟是幸还是不幸呢?快戳漫画,了解更多!A flurry of bills targeting China is being voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives, in what many are calling the "China Week." In the deeply divided U.S. Congress, the so-called "China threat" has unified bickering factions in Washington. But is this truly for the benefit of the American people? Check the cartoons to learn more! CGTN漫评丨美国国会“中国周”大型反华秀
CGTN漫评丨美国国会“中国周”大型反华秀 A nation divided, but united over China CGTN漫评丨美国国会“中国周”大型反华秀
