纪录片澎湃中国|第一集 热潮奔涌

  • CGTN
  • 2024-09-16 20:15:30
【纪录片#澎湃中国#|第一集 热潮奔涌】“甲骨惊天下,汉字出华夏”。今日之中国,从中华五千多年的文明积淀中汲取养分与智慧,从婚礼仪式到汉服风尚,再到智慧建筑和影视创作,灿烂辉煌的文化遗产正被赋予新的生命,为世界文明的多样与繁荣注入源源不断的“澎湃动力”。与艾美奖得主迈克·沃尔特(Mike Walter)和北京国际电影节获奖主持人嘉斯芮·曼尼卡姆(Gasthoori Manickam)一起穿越千年,共同感受中华文化奔涌的热潮!From the oracle bones that astonished the world to traditional hanfu clothing, in smart architecture and film and TV creation, China's ancient cultural heritage is being given new life. It's a resurgence that is enhancing the diversity and prosperity of world culture. Travel back through the centuries with Emmy Awards-winner Mike Walter and Beijing International Film Festival award-winning host Gasthoori Manickam, to ride the surging tide of Chinese culture.
