
  • 小瑶9分雅思口语
  • 2024-09-19 20:00:00
🤖️Part 1题目: Are robots important?
When you ask if something is important, I feel the need to say: Yes. Because everything exists for a reason. Now let us talk about robots. They are very important in the scientific field. For example, if we go on an exploration, I am sure there are places that are dangerous for humans. So we send robots in and they can do tasks that are not humanly possible. So I think they are very important for the advancement of our technology. But apart from that, I don’t think they are important in our daily lives, we don’t have robot nannies, we don’t have robot butlers or housekeepers yet. So, I know they are important. I just don’t feel that they are very important.

▲the scientific field 科学领域✨
▲exploration 探险(可数)
▲send robots in 送机器人进去
▲task 任务(可数)✨
▲not humanly possible 人类能力无法达成的✨
▲the advancement of our technology 科技的进步✨
▲robot nanny 机器人保姆(可数)✨
▲butler 管家(可数)✨
▲housekeeper 家佣(可数)✨

