
  • 萌芽研究所BUD
  • 2024-09-20 08:00:00



牛 cow - moo
狗 dog - woof
猫 cat - meow
猪 pig - oink
老鼠 mouse - squeak
马 horse - neigh
鸟 bird - tweet
羊 sheep - baa


A little cow (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And she says moo (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And she says moo, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) Moo, moo, moo, come take my hand!

A little dog (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And he says woof (repeat)
I want to see the whole wide world

And he says woof, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) woof, woof, woof, come take my hand!

A little cat (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And she says meow (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And she says meow, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) meow, meow, meow, come take my hand!

A little pig (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And he says oink (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And he says oink, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) oink, oink, oink, come take my hand!

A little mouse (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And she says squeak (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And she says squeak, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) squeak, squeak, squeak, come take my hand!

A little horse (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And he says neigh (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And he says neigh, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) neigh, neigh, neigh, come take my hand!

A little bird (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And she says tweet (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And she says tweet, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) tweet, tweet, tweet, come take my hand!

A little sheep (repeat)
Hops on the train (repeat)
And he says baa (repeat)
(together) I want to see the whole wide world

And he says baa, come on and join me (repeat)
Hop on the train (repeat)
I said, hop on the train!
(together) baa, baa, baa, come take my hand!

(Final chorus)

《Animal Sounds Song》
来源:The Singing Walrus

