
  • 龚张野桔子
  • 2024-09-25 13:39:53
#messika亚太区品牌代言人龚俊# 🍊#龚俊出发时装周#🍊#龚俊抵达巴黎#

从《暗河传》苏暮雨的角色中短暂抽离,龚俊身穿路易威登2024秋冬男士系列鞋服,佩戴Messika Baby Move密镶钻石项链,以成熟魅力现身巴黎机场。

期待梅西卡高级珠宝秀,期待龚俊与Messika的合作呈现!@龚俊Simon @Messika梅西卡

Messika's first APAC brand ambassador, GongJun, has arrived in Paris to attend the Messika High Jewelry Live Show on Sep-26th.

Taking a short break from the role of Su MuYu in "Tales of Dark River", Gong Jun appeared in Paris airport with mature charm in Louis Vuitton 2024 FW clothing and Messika Baby Move diamond necklace.

Look forward to the Messika High Jewelry Live Show. Look forward to the collaboration between Gong Jun and Messika!
