
  • 加措上师-慈爱基金
  • 2024-09-23 12:25:51
世间的路,深一脚浅一脚,步步都是故事;世间的缘善一段恶一段,段段都是自己造就;世间的事,明白一时,糊涂一时,事事都有因果。有些事明白了就好,看破不必说破。人生难得糊涂,做好自己该做的事,无论在别人眼中,你是什么样子,要记住:不与事争,因为争不过因果;不与人争,因为会伤了感情;不与已争,因为会让人疲累;学会宽容,让自己平心静气;学会随缘,让自己身心安乐;学会放下,让自己明心见性。永远做个善良的自己。以善为本,厚德载物!Throughout the course of transmigration, if we believe in cause and effect, if we are kind and friendly towards every person; if we let go of negativity and embrace positivity; this will be the correct way of living. We do our best to find happiness, yet often times, we try to find happiness in wrong places. If we find ourselves mistaken, we can make the right choice immediately; but perhaps the most difficult thing is to admit when we are mistaken. If we can admit our mistakes and fix them, we will gradually make progress on the road of practicing.
